It was mid morning Saturday when the business phase of the trip was concluded and I returned to the motel to prepare to depart. After laying out my traveling finery, I packed and loaded the car. The traveling things were a real joy to behold on the bed as I doffed the pants, shirt and boots covering my bra, bikinis and panti hose. In a sensual few minutes I once again felt the rising of pleasure as I stood near the door with my mens clothes over my arm, the boots in my hand and, with my free hand, made last moment adjustments to my hair, blouse and mini. Pleasure really surged as I strode with a new confidence to the car, threw in the mens clothes and arranging myself behind the wheel, drove away. Part and par- cel of this pleasure had been the presence of some motel guests and the cleaning woman talking in front of the adjoining unit as I left.
I drove slowly all the way back seeking to avoid any unnecessary atten- tion. Also I admit I wanted the pleasure sensations to last a bit longer too. Events nearly spoiled that again as a near miss that would have spoiled the whole trip occured about half way back to the Houston area. I observed a late model Olds overtaking me fast. As it drew abeam my rear bumper a loud pop rang out. I thought I had been shot at. This was followed by a roar as the right front tire of the passing Olds disintegrated itself along side my open window. The driver barely managed to miss me as his vehicle rushed past and to the right in front of me. By now I could almost look with de- tachment at my breasts to see the pounding of my heart which soon passed as I, in rear view, saw the car safely stop on the grassy shoulder of the road.
The day ended uneventfully, for I was able again to find seclusion in an oil field to change back into mens clothes and pack away my delightful G things till time for the next adventure in pleasure. It could come any day now. I wait.
I've sent this along hoping others may enjoy reading of my near miss- adventures with the TV pleasure twist even as I relish reading accounts and fiction by others so inclined.